
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Will You Leave a Legacy of Chaos or Comfort?
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
When life throws devastating changes at you, be ready for it with Nancy Juetten’s ‘Life Goes On Roadmap’. One of your legacies will be no chaos, no crisis, just a clear road to follow in comfort!
In this episode we discuss how to get your Stories, your Will, your Valuables, your Passwords, and many other elements of your life organized, so you don’t leave a mess for your family - tomorrow or decades from now.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Is the Wisdom of our Time Disappearing?
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
This new 14-minute episode of the Legacy Café podcast features the story of man who dramatically refocused his life, and you can take advantage of his work.
Dennis was a ‘money guy’…. doing very well. But after losing both parents he realized he never asked them about their values, their wisdom, their life stories.
So he left his successful 20 year career and co-founded a global initiative that's saving the greatest body of wisdom in history from being lost forever.
This remarkable story can affect your family today and for generations to come.
Make sure your wisdom and life lessons aren't wasted by going to LegacyStories.org

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Mother's Story- A recipe to ensure it doesn't disappear
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
15 years ago, Marilyn Norry challenged women actors to write the facts of their mother’s life. She then turned those stories into a stage play.
She’s now helped over 500 women write their mother’s stories.
And to ensure many mother’s stories aren’t lost, Marilyn has just published “Writing Women’s History. Starting with your Mother.” It will help every woman take stock of their mother’s legacy.
At the end of this conversation Marilyn will give you what you need to get started. And yes, wherever your mother is… she’ll help.
Get the download at https://legacycafe.org/mother

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
How your legacies can make your community a better place to live
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Is there something you’d love to have in your community… that just isn’t there?
Would you like one of your legacies to enhance life where you live? But building it yourself is just, well…. a big challenge. It would be difficult to get it done on your own.
Here’s my best advice: Walk in the door of your local Community Foundation.
In this podcast Brad Ward will tell us a few stories about how Community Foundations work, and how they can help you build some really cool legacies you’ll be proud of.

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
#29 Ken Dychtwald's landmark study on legacy and aging
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
What is the lasting gift of Legacy? And - who’s giving that gift? Or not bothering at all?
My guest in the Legacy Café is Ken Dychtwald, CEO of Age Wave and internationally recognized author and gerontologist. He recently released a landmark study on legacy and aging as a research project with Bank 0f America/Merrill Lynch.
In the study titled, “Leaving a legacy. A lasting gift to loved ones”, Ken discovered that 82% of us will likely be remembered with the phrase: “Well, you left a heckuva mess.” Not good!
Turns out 94% of the 3000 people surveyed said they would like their legacy to be “a life well lived with family and friends that love me,” while only 4% said their legacy is the wealth they accumulated. Hmmm...
Join my conversation with Ken for a fascinating review of his eye-opening study and what various generations are thinking of ‘legacy’, how each is acting to live it....and give it.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
#28 AARP: Disrupting Our Lives and Legacies
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Boe Workman argues that many of us 50+ are living a revolution… determined to leave our mark on the world. "We want to disrupt the traditional aging process so we can spark new solutions that will allow us to live the best life we can."
Yes, we want to be more independent, with more intimacy and fun, And yes, more legacy building. We want to lead a richer, more self-sufficient life as we age. But (and it's a big 'but'), are we constrained by a cultural view that aging means deterioration and dependence?
Boe is the Director of CEO Communication at AARP and has co-authored several books that shake up some outdated beliefs about aging. He recently co-authored a book with Jo Anne Jenkins, AARP's CEO, called Disrupt Aging, well worth the read.
Will the opportunities of aging outweigh the negatives? Give a listen to find out.

Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
#28 Financially Blessed? Live and Leave a Transformational Legacy
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
As a listener to The Legacy Café, you know that a ‘Legacy’ is so much more than money and ‘stuff’ handed down to the kids.
But - many are blessed with more resources than they need to lead a happy life. With that comes questions:
- Are children and grandchildren prepared for the responsibility?
- Have family dynamics prevented you from having the tough conversations?
- Will your business thrive under the next generation of leadership?
Mostly, do you have an intentional, proactive plan to create a thriving, inspiring Legacy?
Join Jeff Rogers as Robb asks him about Stewardship Legacy Coaching for high net worth families, and the challenge of clarifying values, virtues, guiding principles, and a giving culture you want to maintain.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
#27 The New Story Creators....Your Kids!
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
When a young person looks at a picture on the wall and asks parents and grandparents “Who is that?”, they’ll be off on a journey that will benefit them thru their lives.
With a little encouragement, the research and writing of the story of an unknown relative can ignite the imagination and light the fire of ‘social history’; the stories of those who came before us, and our personal relationship with them.
The act of finding and telling those stories can be the Trojan horse to change school’s normally boring social studies courses; create better communicators… and be a make-or-break asset for college and career.
Yes, our kids can find and create our legacy stories… and they will be the beneficiaries.

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
#26 FACT: Family Stories Build Resilient Children
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
What’s the secret for a happy family? They talk. A lot.
Dr. Marshall Duke, a renowned psychologist, is my guest on this remarkable podcast episode.
In a research project at Emory University, he created the Do You Know Scale, which asked children 20 Do You Know questions about their family and its history.
The results were quite surprising. Turns out the children who knew more about their family's history had higher levels of self-esteem, lower levels of anxiety, were much better at facing challenges, and a whole lot more.
Yes, family stories are a critical part of a child's emerging identity and well-being. That's why it's so important to hear Dr. Duke share the remarkable story behind the study in this podcast episode.
And don’t feel left out! These stories can and should be told in any family, of any age.

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
#25 Your Family's Legacy? Only 1% Will Be Memorable
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
A Conversation with Steve Marken
President of the Stewardship Council
So, you’ve got some resources you’d like to distribute through your estate plan? You call them your ‘Legacies’. But when you define them, do they give you fulfillment and joy Now? Do you smile as you think how they’ll affect the future?
According the Steve, 99% of family estates don’t incorporate any part of the family’s story, values, goals and characters that give the legacies you want to create the richness they deserve. Most financial and legal advisors don’t know how important this is.
How do you peel that onion and make it a rich experience discovering what those legacies can be?
My conversation with Steve will talk about the two-edged sword of money, about family stories, and about philanthropy that reflects your values.
And then Steve will give you all the questions to ask yourself and your family on this journey to discover your legacies.